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Penetration Testing

Our Penetration testing is customisable to fit your specific needs and requirements which makes it a valuable tool for your organisation looking to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in your computer systems, networks, and web applications.

Unlock enhanced security and peace of mind through our penetration testing services

CREST Penetration Testing Logo

Penetration testing or 'pen testing' can help your organisation identify weaknesses in your defences before a real attack occurs, this will allow you to take proactive measures to protect against potential threats.

It also provides an unbiased assessment of your security which can be used to prioritise and plan your security budget.

Regularly performing penetration testing can give you peace of mind that you have taken the necessary steps to protect valuable data and systems. Investing in penetration testing is a cost-effective way to identify and remediate vulnerabilities, protect against cyber threats, and demonstrate compliance with industry standards and regulations.

attacks per day, UK companies suffered on average
the average cost of a data breach for UK companies
of small businesses suffered cyber attacks in the UK

Companies that work with us

Identify vulnerabilities, improve security, enhance reputation

Working closely with our agile penetration team


Penetration testing can help you demonstrate your compliance with industry standards and regulations, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, GDPR, NIS, SOX and ISO 27001.

Enhancing reputation

Regularly performing penetration testing can demonstrate to stakeholders and customers that you take cyber security seriously and are committed to protecting their sensitive data.


By identifying vulnerabilities early, penetration testing can help you to avoid the significant costs associated with data breaches and other cyber incidents.

Improving security posture

Penetration testing provides a comprehensive assessment of your security posture, which can be used to prioritise and plan your security budget.

Identifying vulnerabilities

Penetration testing simulates a real-world attack, allowing you to identify vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. This allows you to take proactive measures to protect against potential threats.

Preparing incident response

Penetration testing can provide you with an understanding of how an attacker would attempt to exploit vulnerabilities, enabling you to prepare an incident response plan.

How it works

Your expert with you step by step


The first step is planning and investigating with your expert by, identifying the scope and gathering information about the target systems and networks.


Your expert will use various techniques and tools to attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in the target systems and networks.


Reporting and remediation, your expert creates a report on vulnerabilities & exploitation methods, and shares it with the you.


We do recommend regular penetration testing, especially with the ever-changing threat landscape or any infrastructure changes.

Vulnerability scan
Best as a first step to identifying potential vulnerabilities.
£800/per day
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Penetration test
A process that simulates a real-world attack on a system or network.
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Pen test starter
Pen test standard
Pen test advanced
1 web or 1 mobile app
Starter + Re-test
Standard + additional app
Delivery time
2 days
3 days
6 days
Application audit
Project plan

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a penetration test take?

The duration of a penetration test can vary depending on the scope and complexity of the test. A basic penetration test may take a few days, while a more complex test could take longer.

Can penetration testing be used to demonstrate compliance with regulations?

Yes, regular penetration testing can be used to demonstrate compliance with regulations such as the GDPR, NIS Directive, PCI-DSS and ISO/IEC 27001. However, it's important to consult with legal and compliance teams to ensure compliance with specific regulations.

Are there any risks associated with penetration testing?

There can be some risks associated with penetration testing, such as the potential for accidental damage to systems and networks, or the potential for sensitive data to be exposed. It is important to properly plan and scope the test, and work with experienced professionals to minimise these risks.

How often should we perform penetration testing?

The frequency of penetration testing depends on the organisation's specific needs and requirements, as well as any regulations or industry standards that they must comply with. It's generally recommended to perform penetration testing on a regular basis, such as annually or semi-annually.

What's the difference between penetrating and vulnerability scanning?

Vulnerability scanning is an automated process that identifies potential vulnerabilities, while penetration testing is a manual process that attempts to exploit those vulnerabilities to understand the actual risk they pose. Together, vulnerability scanning and penetration testing can provide a more complete picture of an organisation's security posture.