
Threat Intelligence

Discover the importance of Threat Intelligence services in safeguarding digital health. Get a simple threat feed for any target for £99 a month


Effective Threat Intelligence for Digital Health Security

At Periculo, we have developed a robust system for collecting, analysing, and responding to threat intelligence in a simple and effective way. No more complicated dashboards. Add your target and get notified of threats.

Who is this for?

Companies looking to gather threat intelligence and build a threat feed for their assets, suppliers and people

What does it cost?

£99 a month for platform useage. Contact us for immediate access


The most simple threat intelligence system guaranteed.

Add your targets

Add a target it test format. It could be a supplier, a person, and asset, a topic. Just add it to your list of targets

Get notified

Your targets will be monitored 24/7 - when a threat is identified it will be posted in your feed


Action your threats, you can acknowledge them, comment raise risks or close if it does not affect you.

Threat trail

Keep a trail of evidence for you responding to threats. This is great evidence for the new ISO27001 threat intelligence controls.

Effective Threat Intelligence Services

Stay ahead of cyber threats with Periculo's comprehensive threat intelligence solutions.